Friday, June 19, 2009

Always be honest. Count your blessings. Bear each other's burden. Forgive and forget. Be kind and tender-hearted. Comfort one another. Keep your promises. Be proud of each other. Be true to each other. Treat each other like you treat your friends. But most importantly—love one another deeply from your heart."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Story of The Little Mermaid 小人鱼的故事





虽然我已经知道这世界上并不存在什么爱情童话,但是时至今日我还会时常回味着小人鱼的故事,还是觉得它是那么地悲凄美丽,令人感伤得难以忘怀。我有时寻思为何会对小人鱼故事如此着迷,是为她对爱人无私的奉献的精神所感化?或是被她为心上人勇敢牺牲自己行为而打动?我突然一下不得而知为什么安徒生没有给小人鱼故事安排一个完美的结局,那是因为这个凄美的爱情故事令人看后悲痛欲绝,让人不由自主地为美丽的小人鱼而感伤,正是因为这个并不完美的结局所导致地残缺的美,才能使得读者们对它牵肠挂肚,无法释怀,从而让人记忆犹新,久久难忘, 并且让她永远地,刻骨铭心地活在我们的心中。。。

I remember when I was 7 or 8-years old, I loved to read Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale stories, my favorite selections were about the fairies and the witches, Princess and Princes and their romantic and obsessed love stories, one of my most exciting and unforgettable memory is the story of The Little Mermaid. The beautiful and cute little mermaid saved her beloved Prince's life by not hesitating to give up her wonderful singing voice to the sea witch, in order to be with her beloved Prince, she drank the magic potion which was given by the sea witch, and transformed the beautiful fish tail into a pair of human legs, in order to stand beside her lover and deal with having been changed from the Princess mermaid into a normal girl. She gives her faith and dedicated care to the Prince, but when the Prince falls in love with another princess, she had to endure the sorrow and pain, and at the end she sacrificed herself to protect her beloved Prince and turned her own life into the sea foam. . . .

I was sad for the little mermaid and moved by tears, for her love and beloved Prince she would definitely make many selfless sacrifices. I was moved by this beautiful story and wept with grief . I read the story over and over many times and each time I was touched and moved. This story is etched into my mind until now it is still difficult to forget, I even complained repeatedly in my heart about the writer- Hans Christian Andersen, that he is so cruel to set out the ending of the story, I thought it is really unfair, why not allow the little mermaid to be alive, and let her to live with her beloved Prince many years happily ever after ( just like he did it in other stories)?

I was touched by the story of a little mermaid, After I gradually grown up, I have experienced of my life from a girl to a married woman, now become the mother of two, I found that I begin to understand why little mermaid made dedication and sacrifices for her loved one, I even found myself like the embodiment of the little mermaid and my own life and the story's like the shadow stack.

When I was a little girl I often dreamed of someday I will find my love just as it was described in Andersen's fairy tale. Fantasize that I am a beautiful lovely princess who met with a handsome brave Prince, then we fall in love and live together happy ever after. . . I knew a lot of my friends think my romantic love is a fairy tale what people had often admired of - I met him and we fall in love at first sight. Both of us have had to break through the difficulty of different languages, and different obstacles at different cultural background, or the difference of our life styles. But in the end we married each other. For my loved one I had to give up my carrier, and say goodbye to my friends and family. I felt I was brave to follow him and travel a long way to come to this strange foreign land, then to begin a brand new different life style. I worked very hard and it took a lot of extra efforts to change myself for my love. I was a girl who once didn't know how to cook, I disliked doing the chores, and I lived without the burden of responsibility. Now I was transformed into a family minded housewife, and my husband and my children are becoming the center of my world. I am willing to sacrifice, to work conscientiously and diligently for this family and my loved ones. Today, I am no longer have the feelings and passion like my youth year. As I will not continue to have illusions about the Prince and Princess of fairy tales. At that time, I perhaps was young and more aggressive, brave to make a decision over the logical inference. But in the real world, my life is not as easy as my fantasies. The real life is like a rough road. On this rugged road, I often fall down then I'll get up again, as I was clumsy trying to explore a shortcut way in the long dark night. A journey through life is as a one-way ticket, if only you catch up with this train and then you only can move forward without return.

Although I already knew that fairy tales don't exist in this world. But now I'll always remember the Little Mermaid Story. I think it is so beautiful and plaintive, it's so sad that it is difficult to forget. Sometimes I wonder why I have such a fascination with the Little Mermaid Story.Was because I was moved by the spirit of her selfless devotion? Or was I touched by the brave action when she saved her lover by make the sacrifice herself?All of a sudden, I start to recolonize why Hans Christian Andersen did not give the little mermaid a perfect happy ending .Almost all of his fantasy stories have the happy ending. Some are so simulate that I even forgot the names of stories or I might mixed stories up. But I remember they are all princesses who were in troubled life and waiting to be save by the handsome prince...... But the little mermaid did not wait to be save by her Prince, she was bravely protective of her lover, she took the sacrifice and effort to be with her beloved one. It is because of the non-perfect ending that makes it a unique story. The story is so passionate and emotionally powerful, and it made us weep and have sorrow for her. It also made her to be truly unforgettable. From now on, she will always be remembered, and she will always remain alive in side of our hearts. . .



Sunday, February 1, 2009

梦想 / Dreams

十八岁的那一年青涩的你做了什么梦? 像风一样的潇洒? 像云一般的浪漫? 梦想有一双红宝石的魔鞋? 还有一对天使的翅膀?!。。。。曾几何时你幻想着能有一天你的彩笔可以在画板上描画着七彩人生,又有多少次你梦见你的魔笔潇洒地在纸上来回串梭妙笔生花。。。

多少年来风风雨雨,沉沉浮浮; 无情的岁月在你的前额刻下了皱纹,飞逝的时光在你的头上编织了白发,。。。 你纤纤的秀手已被生活磨练的粗糙,你秀美的身材已被负担压得沉重。。。人生如梦一般地惊醒,潇洒的风吹散了云一般的浪漫,有一对翅膀的天使穿走了那双红宝石的魔鞋。。。你丰富的生活如同那五颜六色的彩笔,你令人回味的故事如同一本摊开的待阅的书。。。

然而你不再是那当年羞涩的少年,有着无穷无尽的梦与幻像。 如逝的光阴把你磨练的成熟和冷静,你喜欢一个人在黑夜里静静地思考, 默默地探寻着人生的最后的答案。。。


What kind of dreams did you dream of when you were eighteen?
Free as the wind?
Floating romantically like the a cloud in the sky?
Did you dream of a pair of magic ruby slippers,
or of having a pair of Angel wings?
I dreamed to paint the world beautiful with colorful brushes,
or write exciting stories with a magic pen….

Ups and downs over the years.
Many gloomy, merciless years fly by.
Now there are wrinkles carved into your forehead
and white hairs are woven through your head….
Your once soft, little hands now betray your rough life
and your beautiful figure carries the burden of extra weight…
Life, awakened from the Dream.
The clouds of romance scattered by cool winds.
The angel wearing the magic ruby slippers, wings away . . . .
your rich experiences are like a beautiful picture painted by a colorful brush
and your journey through life is like an unfinished story waiting to be read....

now you are no longer that shy teenager with endless dreams and illusions,
with years of practical experience
you have been changed into a mature and strong person . . . .
In the darkness of the silent night,
you are - like a cat,
quietly thinking,
quietly exploring the final answers of life….