Sunday, February 1, 2009

梦想 / Dreams

十八岁的那一年青涩的你做了什么梦? 像风一样的潇洒? 像云一般的浪漫? 梦想有一双红宝石的魔鞋? 还有一对天使的翅膀?!。。。。曾几何时你幻想着能有一天你的彩笔可以在画板上描画着七彩人生,又有多少次你梦见你的魔笔潇洒地在纸上来回串梭妙笔生花。。。

多少年来风风雨雨,沉沉浮浮; 无情的岁月在你的前额刻下了皱纹,飞逝的时光在你的头上编织了白发,。。。 你纤纤的秀手已被生活磨练的粗糙,你秀美的身材已被负担压得沉重。。。人生如梦一般地惊醒,潇洒的风吹散了云一般的浪漫,有一对翅膀的天使穿走了那双红宝石的魔鞋。。。你丰富的生活如同那五颜六色的彩笔,你令人回味的故事如同一本摊开的待阅的书。。。

然而你不再是那当年羞涩的少年,有着无穷无尽的梦与幻像。 如逝的光阴把你磨练的成熟和冷静,你喜欢一个人在黑夜里静静地思考, 默默地探寻着人生的最后的答案。。。


What kind of dreams did you dream of when you were eighteen?
Free as the wind?
Floating romantically like the a cloud in the sky?
Did you dream of a pair of magic ruby slippers,
or of having a pair of Angel wings?
I dreamed to paint the world beautiful with colorful brushes,
or write exciting stories with a magic pen….

Ups and downs over the years.
Many gloomy, merciless years fly by.
Now there are wrinkles carved into your forehead
and white hairs are woven through your head….
Your once soft, little hands now betray your rough life
and your beautiful figure carries the burden of extra weight…
Life, awakened from the Dream.
The clouds of romance scattered by cool winds.
The angel wearing the magic ruby slippers, wings away . . . .
your rich experiences are like a beautiful picture painted by a colorful brush
and your journey through life is like an unfinished story waiting to be read....

now you are no longer that shy teenager with endless dreams and illusions,
with years of practical experience
you have been changed into a mature and strong person . . . .
In the darkness of the silent night,
you are - like a cat,
quietly thinking,
quietly exploring the final answers of life….